Thursday, May 10, 2007

How to Trick Out Your MySpace Profile

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How to Trick Out Your MySpace ProfileBy Matt Sherborne
MySpace is great because of the huge amount of freedom you have to change your MySpace profile. Using the profile tools and methods below you can trick out your profile to make it interesting and keep people coming back.
Some of the cool features you are able to put on your MySpace profile are games, cursors, layouts, clocks, surveys, and graphics. It's easy to get carried away and really go wild.
Here's a quick rundown of some of the different Myspace codes available and what they do:
Games: You can easily brighten things up by adding games to your profile. Practically anything you can think of from Pacman, Golf, Simon Says, Mario Brothers, Asteroids, Frogger and many more can be easily pasted on to your MySpace profile. These can be changed whenever you like and are a great way to keep people coming back to check you out.
Cursors: I'm sure you've seen these around, they're everywhere. The sky's the limit when it comes to cursors Anything you can think of is available, from animal cursors, flashing words, mermaids and unicorns, you get the idea. This is probably one of the most popular MySpace tools and can start a whole collection and change them whenever you like to spice things up.
Layouts: Also known as skins, layouts make up the basic theme of your profile. There are a wide variety of themes available and it might take a bit of searching to find the one that is best for you. Just remember to select a layout that suits your uniqueness and is pleasing to look at. If your goal is to make peoples eyeballs bleed, there are themes that can do that too.
Clocks: There are many different clock styles to choose from. You can pick from clocks that have a modern design, classic style, and roman numerals, digital and with or without the date. If you want you can even find layouts with matching themes. When installing a clock on your page be careful that your clock does not get in the way of your text.
Surveys: Adding fun surveys and quizzes to your site can make your profile a little more interesting. has many interactive surveys currently in development. Make sure to check back here so you can share some fun surveys with your friends.
Graphics: Glitter graphics, celebrity pictures, music lyrics and cool icons are just a few of what's possible. Check out the links below to get some really great graphics for your site.
Navigational Tools/Codes: These are Html codes you can add to your site to change it's appearance. You can change how your text is displayed, change the color scheme, and manipulate images or change border codes and styles.
You can easily spend hours pimping out your MySpace profile. Just be careful that your new graphics don't obscure your postings, and remember that your profile is an extension of you.
Matt Sherborne is the Author of Get Rich Trading E-Currency and Explode Your Ad. Check out his site on Las Vegas Reviews for hotels, casinos and entertainment info. For information on the best Myspace tools visit
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How To Make a MySpace Layout That Stands Out

How To Make a MySpace Layout That Stands OutBy Paul Giordano
If you are a MySpace user, you have learned what an easy to read and fun profile looks like. The only problem is, you may not know how to create or find out. Most of the time when you see an awful MySpace layout, it's because its sloppy, hard to read, or has annoying links you didn’t even see. That is because since MySpace has been growing so much, so have the layout sites. In fact, MySpace layout sites have been generating tons of revenue through advertising. This advertising can even be through hidden spam in your own profile.
Once you start seeing all the nice profiles on MySpace, you instantly hit Google and start searching away for a great free MySpace layout site. What you don't realize that the ones you are going to find the easiest will most likely have the most spam. As a website publisher myself, I understand why this spam is there, and what it accomplishes. But as a MySpace user, these hidden links can get annoying. So you have to know what you are looking for in a layout.
MySpace layout designers will put hidden backlinks to their site in all of their layouts. What this does for them is 2 things. 1. It creates free advertising for them and possible hits from all over the MySpace world. 2. These backlinks help their page rank in Google. The more links to their site, the more important their site looks to Google, therefore the higher up it will rank when MySpace layouts are searched for. The site MySpace Trends goes into great detail about this, and how web marketers use this.
Now all hope is not lost when looking for a good layout. These backlinks that MySpace layout designers use is not all bad. In fact, it does help keep your favorite MySpace layout site in business. But knowing what you are looking for is important.
Try and stay away from the layouts that have lots of links and menu bar modifications. I have found that most of the back links will come from modifying the menu bars. The good MySpace layout sites you will find are the ones that let you "hack" your MySpace profile. This will let you edit one aspect at a time instead of just throwing a new layout on your profile all at once. This will also let you control any unwanted layout designs, and you will also become familiar with the coding.
These tips will help you create a great looking MySpace layout without much hassle.
Add up to 500 MySpace Friends, automatically send comments, messages, and bullitens all with The Official Friend Adder
PaulG is an expert on internet social groups, especially MySpace. Check out his blog MySpace Trends for more great tips and ideas about MySpace.
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Track Your MySpace Profile Visitors

Track Your MySpace Profile VisitorsBy Paul Giordano
know that everyone who is on MySpace has had the same burning questions that I’ve had. How can I see who has viewed my MySpace profile? Where can I find a MySpace Tracker? Since MySpace has become so popular, so have the MySpace profile stalkers. Could be your friends, neighbors, ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends, or even someone you don’t even know. We are fortunate enough to have the technology for 3rd party websites to provide the code to allow you to see who visits your profile. Bands on MySpace Music find this sort of technology very useful because it allows them to see who their fans are. Unfortunately, the majority of the code that these websites offer have been eliminated because they violate MySpace’s TOS (terms of service). Don’t get disappointed yet, there are some alternatives.
I still remember the short reign of several very popular websites that tracked profile viewers right back to their profile. Sites like these provided members with a MySpace tracker code they could enter into their MySpace profile which allowed the tracking of anyone who viewed their profile. After entering the code, you could login to Profilesnoop to see everyone who has viewed your profile. It even had their MySpace pictures! This was very convenient for a short while, until without notice, it stopped working. Apparently, this code violated MySpace’s TOS and the code automatically was cut out of your profile. After this, these sites quickly lost fan base. This left millions of MySpacers in question and looking to find another MySpace tracker.
Fortunately, there is new technology coming back that allows you to not only track your visitors, but also view tons of data about what kind of visitors you are getting. There are now several trackers out there such as MyFriendStats that not only allow you to track profiles and find out where the views are coming from. But now bands can even view stats according to their fans and even demographics. You can create charts, browse data, and even understand what your viewers are looking for. Software like this is great for both the casual MySpace user and bands trying to promote their music on MySpace. With this information, you can easily track your MySpace profile viewers, and possibly get more people and potential fans to your site. This is the easiest way to become famous on MySpace.
So the good news is out, now start tracking your MySpace Profile viewers again.
PaulG is an expert on internet social groups, especially MySpace. Keep stats on who is viewing your MySpace profile or listening to your bands music with MyFriendStats, the most advanced MySpace tracking software on the internet. Not only can you see who is viewing your profile, but you can now keep stats on them according to age, location, gender, and even discover potential fans!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

MySpace is the place

I hope you enjoy my blog and can visit my other websites ONLINE SHOPPING MALL and Weight Loss Programs
best regards John

Social Networking and Music: MySpace Puts It All Together in a Virtual CommunityBy Scott G
Today's music fan interacts with a "community" that is far larger than anyone ever dreamed possible before the widespread personal use of the Internet. This social networking is changing the way people market and sell music and it's doing so on a global scale.
Here's How:
One fan hears a song and "tells" a dozen others online. Each, in turn, sends the information (and sometimes the entire song file) to another dozen people, and so on. If the song's hook is catchy and universal enough, the artist can reach thousands of fans in a matter of seconds. It's fast, it's easy, it's free, and it's global.
Does this viral communication bring any income for that artist (or songwriter, or publisher, or manager, or agent, or distributor, or record label)? No. But does it provide vital publicity that has the potential of selling singles, albums, concert tickets and merchandise? Absolutely.
The New Means of Marketing:
This is a quantum shift in marketing. It holds out the possibility of bypassing brick-and-mortar distribution, while severely curtailing the barely-legal forms of radio "promotion" that many in the industry openly refer to as payola or commercial station extortion.
All this is possible thanks to an ever-growing variety of online forms of communication, including music sites, web portals, blogs (weblogs), music forums, and more. A new site called has put all of these elements together in one place. And because of their vision, MySpace is becoming an information destination for bands, fans, filmmakers, writers, artists, record industry professionals, and more.
The MySpace Nation: "Where do you live?" used to be a question that was spoken out loud; it's now typed. The answer to that question used to simply signify which part of a city you were from, with an accompanying suggestion of your socio-economic status, and a hint about which mall might be your usual hangout; it now refers not only to your city, but also your state, region or country.
Your virtual "scene" may involve people anywhere on the globe. My virtual community begins in Los Angeles and extends to Moscow, Big Bear, Amsterdam, San Francisco, London, New York, Miami, and several places I have not yet learned to spell correctly. In fact, thanks to social networks like MySpace, one can interact with several scenes. The people who like my goth songs overlap slightly with the rave-trance songs on my remix album, but they are not interested in the music I create for radio and television commercials (they can be quite disdainful of it, in fact). But each social network welcomes news of new music in their own favorite styles.
MySpace: The Future is Now
With two million members (and growing), offers a multi-level entertainment opportunity involving blogs, instant messaging, classifieds, peer voting, special interest groups, user forums and user-created content. Is it popular? You bet: they have statistics that show the site receiving 35 million impressions per day at an average of one hour online per visit. So far, all MySpace services are free, with the site supported entirely by advertisers who are eager to reach exactly the young, web-savvy and web-social music fan that attracts.
Created by Chris DeWolfe and Tom Anderson, MySpace is already successful on a level that caught many industry onlookers by surprise. While the main MySpace site leads to pure social networking, the section of the site called MySpace Music is a revolutionary way to reach their built-in web audience of two million networked users, and has the potential of rapidly expanding beyond that already impressive figure. As a means of launching unsigned and emerging recording artists, MySpace Music is a formidible tool.
Inside the Minds of the MySpace Creators:
"MySpace Music is what should have been, but never was," Anderson said. "Very few people go to a website looking for bands they've never heard of. MySpace Music lets people find music online in the same way they find out about music in person: through their friends. Millions of friends come to MySpace to socialize, and through that process -- word of mouth and recommendations of friends -- bands get exposure to new fans and fans to new music." DeWolfe continues, "The most exciting use of MySpace Music is the way it's changing the band-to-fan dynamic. A band can go on MySpace and find potential fans all over the country just by sending an e-mail and saying 'Hello.' Bands are developing followings and finding street teams online." Offering downloads, band web pages, and the ability to connect directly with artists is just part of the attraction of MySpace Music. Each visitor to the site also can participate via user testimonials and ratings. The artists are also able to access a wide variety of music business contacts.
Details from DeWolfe:
G-Man: What's the history of MySpace?
Chris DeWolfe: We launched the general MySpace site in September of 2003. Our vision was to create a portal where our users could mobilize and connect around shared interests -- whether those interests be music, television, dating, nightlife, politics, religion or anything else.
G-Man: How does music fit into the MySpace network?
Chris DeWolfe: Almost from the day we launched, music became one of the primary interests of MySpace users. We believe that most people hear and sample new music based on recommendations from friends. The network affect of our site (friends telling friends), allows new trends and music to spread very quickly. At the same time, bands began flocking to MySpace as a mechanism to promote themselves, find new fans, book shows, and even secure label deals.
G-Man: What are the revenue streams for MySpace?
Chris DeWolfe: MySpace is currently supported by online advertising and sponsorship. We may add premium services later, but any service we currently offer for free will stay that way. We've been lucky to secure top tier advertisers such as Sony Music, Interscope, Warner Music, Dreamworks, Napster and others. The promotion works for these types of advertisers because most of our users are hip 18-34 year-old influencers who love music and frequently go to movies during the opening weekend.
G-Man: What are the advantages for artists using MySpace?
Chris DeWolfe: Artists may sell their CDs on our site. The primary use so far has been for bands to mobilize new fans who they ordinarily wouldn't have met. A band from Iowa can quickly develop a following in New York or Los Angeles. Additionally, bands use the site to book tours and fill venues. The MySpace social network is international. Because MySpace is an online network, it makes geographical boundaries less relevant.
G-Man: Can you compare the MySpace entity with other networking sites?
Chris DeWolfe: Most sites are narrowly focused on business networking, classifieds, or dating. MySpace is a portal that uses a social networking infrastructure. MySpace includes, games, blogs, music, classifieds, forums, mail, instant messaging, and user rankings. Our model has lead to an incredibly sticky site where the average user spends over an hour per session on the site. We have also served more page views than our largest competitor in each of the last three months.
MySpace is just extending functionality around existing mass behavior. Most if not all of those other sites didn't or don't have that luxury -- they were counting on behavior to develop around functionality. To put it another way, we're not building it, hoping people will come. People are already on the site sharing information about bands; bands are already recruiting fans and local help; users are already clamoring to download music; they're already ranking and rating music; they're already showing up at our parties to hear music they learned about on MySpace. MySpace music works because two million people are already doing what we're now making it easier for them to do.
G-Man: What marketing arenas are involved (or planned to be involved) with MySpace?
Chris DeWolfe: Two of our bigger marketing partners are the Warped Tour and Rock The Vote. The Warped Tour, in particular, is a great fit for us. We are sponsoring the Uproar Stage and bands from MySpace will be playing at Warped Tour venues. This partnership offers great exposure for MySpace Music and participating MySpace Music bands.
Rock the Vote is also a great partner as it fits in with our mission of allowing our users to mobilize around shared interests. MySpace users can register to vote directly from our home page. We will also be participating in several of their music shows.
MySpace Phenomenon On-the-Grow: Strategic partnerships are developing almost as fast as bands are meeting fans on the site. The Los Angeles Music Network ( will bring its membership base and marketing strength into a partnership arrangement with MySpace.
Linking listeners, reaching behind borders, and uniting musicians with fans and industry professionals, the MySpace nation is a phenomenon. Since a passport is free, everyone in music marketing had better pay a visit. It's at See you there.
# # #
Scott G is president of G-Man Music & Radical Radio. His music is on commercials for Verizon Wireless, Goodrich, Monaco Motor Coaches, BAE Systems and more. A creative director of the National Association of Record Industry Professionals (NARIP) and a member of The Recording Academy (NARAS), he writes about music for and the Immedia Wire Service. The G-Man's albums are released by Delvian Records and are on Apple's iTunes. He can be reached via and
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